Saturday, April 9, 2011

back in the saddle


Normal is a nebulous word, and I have been throwing it around alot this week. Skip was home for two super fun weeks and everything felt normal. It was like an on going party, a momentum of pizza, pastries from La Mie, catching up with friends, buying the kids toys for no good reason, once again addicting myself to coffee everyday and this time, with two scoops of raw sugar, which is the way Skip loves it. Dang it, it is better that way.

This morning I also feel normal. I am once again the single wife and parent, back to shaving my legs sporadically and half heartedly at best. My attempts to get motivated today are weak. Does scribbling a to-do list and sticking it into the tattered, half hanging off pocket of one's bathrobe ever really pan out? Time will tell, but that I cannot seem to put away the folded laundry on Cedahlia's floor is indicative of my lackluster attitude. Yet, I kept fully abreast of the possible government shutdown last night. The kids are watching Veggie Tales and here I am, up in my treehouse like office, feeding my addiction to the internet. Yep, pretty normal.

Last night my wonderful mother in law took the kids for the evening. The Fleur Cinema was playingJane Eyre at 4:30, so off I went. It was the perfect movie to see alone. Oh, Mr. Rochester, with your swarthy, intimidating manner and British teeth that somehow wind up being endearing. I ate all my popcorn and also a Christmas Reeses Peanut Butter Cup that I was thrilled to find in the bottom of my purse. I always make an effort to chew quietly, as loud, smushy chewing so puts me over the edge that I want to smash the offender's face into the table. The gentleman behind me chomped and cracked on his popcorn so voraciously that I kept wondering if there was really a canine back there, devouring his dinner. During the quietest parts of the movie, he ramped it up, smacking his way through what must have been uncomfortably emotional scenes for him. I imagine when his wife needs to talk he grabs a banana and loses himself in that repulsive eating that only a baby should get away with.

Toby has been a little weird since Skip left. The first fews days here he was elated and would sit on his lap on the couch, but kind of facing him and staring him down in a blissful way. Lately I let him stay out for short amounts of time and he does just fine, never chewing things up or going to the bathroom. Never, except for yesterday when during the 15 minutes I took Cedahlia to school, he (I am imagining) angrily went to her room straightaway and pooped right on top of a pile of sweet little toys she had on the floor. A tiny fox, with poo on his paw...a ring bearing the telltale signs of animal rage...a teeny tiny doll holding an even tinier Hello Kitty, looking unscathed and yet, was there a slight chunk in her golden hair? Yes, yes there was. Looks like Tobes needs some therapy.

Skip bought the kids a ton of candy, and they each have a glass cannister full of it, with around 100 pieces in it. Each day they are allowed to choose one and they will slowly see the days go by until Dad is home for good. I say 'around' 100 because I really enjoy Sugar Babies. Adjustments can be made towards the end...

These are really cumbersome, especially when you are balancing on a pegleg